COVID-19 has changed the majority of our lifestyles.
Whilst prior to the pandemic it was widely considered common practice to meet tenants, landlords, contractors and co-workers in person to discuss matters, nowadays we are seeing a shift towards digitised practices.
We know that this switch can be tough for the property industry, as a customer-oriented sector. Let us make your life easier with MaintainPad – our complete Property Management Software.
Keep reading to discover exactly how our technology can help you adjust to the ‘new normal’.
1. Contact-free Report a Repair 24/7
We know that an estate agent’s most time-consuming task is managing repair requests. In addition, in the current circumstances unnecessary sites visits can put you and your staff at risk. Save time by using a single platform to manage all repair requests and keep everyone COVID-19 safe by avoiding tenants’ visits to your office or going out for property visit when not needed !
With Report a Repair, tenants can report an issue around the clock via the App, attaching images for more clarity. You are informed straight away and will no longer need to call back for more information. Tenants can even choose which language to report in to avoid misinformation!
2. Contact-less eTenancy
What if tenants, landlords and contractors no longer needed to come to your office to sign agreements and documents? What if they could easily sign your forms from the comfort of their home, at their own convenience? What if you no longer needed to print all contracts but could archive them all securely on the Cloud instead? Imagine no more sharing paper forms. Imagine accessing all documents safely via your own device.
With Digital Documents, you can do all this – and a lot more. Create forms to embed on your website, see who has signed your documents and who hasn’t, send text and email reminders (e.g. rent due). Save time, stay safe.
3. COVID-19 Risk Assessment, H&S Checklists & Digital Training
Back to the office? Ready to re-open? Help stop the spread of the virus by following the government’s guidelines. Download Checkki to effortlessly perform and digitally record your COVID-19 risk assessment and safety checks. The App is pre-populated with COVID-19 and sector-specific checklists to help you get back to business safely and with peace of mind. No paperwork. Everything digital.
Our solution can also help you provide the relevant COVID and sector-specific training to staff members through bespoke task lists, with even the option to upload training videos to help your staff carry out checks consistently and help maintain social distance.
4. Digital Keys Management
Having many properties is great for your business, but can lead to organisational confusion with regard to numerous sets of keys. Key management solutions are often expensive. We do not charge for your key tags and will provide you with your own portable battery powered Bluetooth QR code printer. Rather than having to search the office for a relevant set of keys, you can simply check the MaintainPad App to see whether the set have been checked in or out of the building. When working from home, this could save you hours of wasted time, travelling in and out to search for keys which are not there.
Do you feel that our QR codes technology does not meet the needs of your business? Then bring it to the next level! Our brand new bluetooth Smart Keytrackers ensure that you can track your keys whereabouts at all times. A great investment for letting companies with students for clients, who regularly lose keys which leads to expense on their side, and would require in-person contact.
5. Digital Asset Tracking
Similarly assets can be tracked and managed via QR code. Tenants and staff can simply scan the QR code on the asset (a boiler, for example) and the App will open, allowing the person to report faults.
Using the App, engineers can also access the asset’s repair history in order to analyse whether it is necessary to repair it, or to replace it instead. This multifaceted approach to boosting efficiency could save your business numerous purposeless visits to properties, which is best to be avoided in the current climate.
6. Digital Stock Control
Keep your essential stock under control and re-order supplies automatically when you go below a certain amount. Digitalise your stock management procedures and go paperless to check your stock levels from anywhere at any time and make sure you never run out of important equipment.
7. Real-time Location Tracking
Let your tenants know when the contractor will arrive at the property and know their location in real-time using Text Messaging. Our Delivity App can help you reduce the chances of missed appointments, saving everyone time and frustration!
8. Digital Feedback Collection
Tenants are able to leave feedback on their contractor’s visits with our integrated BeHeard App. This way, you can discover which contractors are and are not adhering to social distancing, which contractors leave the least mess in tenant’s houses, and so on. The feedback questions are customisable, so we can help no matter how specific the questions are.
9 Contactless Attendance Tracking
Our integrated Attendance Rota App allows contactless clock-in in two different ways. Biometric facial scanning would avoid unnecessary contact with screens. Alternatively, staff can check in by sharing their location, ideal for contractors who can clock-in once they arrive at their first property of the day, and limits nonessential travel into the office.
10. Automatic Scheduling
Bin your paper-based rotas, and with our support go digital. Not only is this more ecological and COVID-safe, but also speeds up the process of creating the schedule. The App remembers your staff’s skill sets, holidays and prior engagements, and creates a rota, sending each staff member a notification in the event of any changes.